Financial Savvy

Smart Money Moves: Choosing the Perfect Account

27 March 2024

6-min read

In a world where safeguarding your hard-earned money is paramount, the question arises: where should you store it? While that secret cash stash at home might seem convenient, the bulk of your wealth deserves a safer and more rewarding home - a trusted bank.


A young man blad in green shirt, checking on his mobile phone

While that secret cash stash at home might seem convenient, the bulk of your wealth deserves a safer and more rewarding home - a trusted bank.


As you venture into the world of banking, you'll discover a range of deposit account options, each uniquely designed to cater to your needs and aspirations. It's akin to selecting the perfect tool for a job.


Let's embark on a journey to explore your options: savings, current, and fixed deposit accounts, of which one (or more!) will align with your financial lifestyle and dreams.


Savings Account: Your Financial Shelter

Imagine a savings account as your personal financial shelter, combining security and accessibility in one.



  • Low deposit minimum amount: An open door for everyone.
  • Low interest returns: More of a financial safe haven than a wealth generator.
  • Withdrawals via ATMs: Quick access to your funds.
  • Cashless payments with a debit card: Convenience at your fingertips.
  • Monthly bank statements: A roadmap of your financial journey.
  • Easy bill payments: A streamlined way to manage commitments.
  • Setting up a joint account: Share your financial adventure with a trusted partner.


A savings account is your reliable partner for everyday financial management, offering ease of transaction while ensuring your money remains accessible. Think of it as your financial companion, always ready to assist.


Current Account: The Transaction Maestro

Meet the current account, the maestro of financial transactions, ideal for those who navigate frequent financial waters.



  • Low minimum deposit amount: No hefty investment required.
  • Little to no interest returns: Convenience takes precedence over interest.
  • A chequebook for payments: A blend of classic charm and modern efficiency.
  • Cashless payments with a debit card: Seamlessly shop, dine, and pay bills.
  • Monthly bank statements: Keeping you in financial sync.
  • Easy bill payments: A stress-free way to manage obligations.
  • Setting up a joint account: A shared financial journey.
  • Fluid access to funds: Perfect for businesses and those who prefer the money to keep flowing.
  • Potentially fee-less monthly transactions: Minimise fees by selecting the right account.


The current account is your financial partner for a dynamic lifestyle, tailored for those who frequently move money. It's designed for convenience, ensuring your financial journey remains smooth and effortless.


Fixed Deposit Account: Your Financial Growth Partner 

Step into the world of fixed deposit accounts, where your money grows steadily like a well-tended garden.



  • Higher interest returns: Watch your wealth flourish.
  • Higher minimum deposit: A commitment to your financial future.
  • Helps you plan your goals: The path to achieving financial milestones.
  • Keeps your money safe from impulse spending: Your secret garden for saving.
  • Accessible in emergencies: Access funds if needed (with a sacrifice of interest returns).


The fixed deposit account is your choice for nurturing your savings steadily, ideal for those who can set aside a sum and watch it grow.


On the Go: MAE-be the One for You 

If banking on the go sounds more up your alley, then having the convenience of being able to carry out your banking transactions anytime, anywhere is what you need. With a MAE account on the MAE by Maybank2u app, you’d have access to M2U banking features.



  • Access M2U banking features such as View Accounts, Bank Transfer, Pay Bills, and more.
  • Get better exchange rates online and abroad with the MAE card.
  • Stay on top of your lifestyle goals with features like Expenses, Tabung and more.
  • Enjoy exclusive Maybank promos such as cashback and win amazing prizes.


If you’re already a Maybank customer with a Maybank2u ID, you’d just need to sign in to the MAE app to access all these features. The beauty of the MAE app however is that even non-Maybank customers can sign up for a MAE account to enjoy the perks.


Embark on Your Financial Journey 

Selecting the right financial companion is akin to choosing a path for your financial journey; it should match your aspirations and lifestyle. A savings account, a current account, or a fixed deposit account - which one resonates with your financial style and dreams? Making the right choice can simplify your financial journey, making it more exciting and rewarding.


Explore the diverse world of accounts that Maybank offers, tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Begin your financial journey today by visiting the Maybank website or stepping into any of our branches for personalised assistance. Your financial adventure awaits!

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