
Maybank to increase Standardised Base Rate, Base Rate and Base Lending Rate

03 November 2022

2-min read

Maybank will revise upwards its Standardised Base Rate (SBR), Base Rate (BR) and Base Lending Rate (BLR) by 25 basis points effective 7 November 2022, following the announcement today on the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) increase. 


Maybank’s SBR and BR will be increased from 2.50% p.a. to 2.75% p.a. while its BLR will be revised from 6.15% p.a to 6.40% p.a. Similarly, the Islamic SBR and BR will be increased by 25 basis points from 2.50% p.a. to 2.75% p.a. respectively while the Islamic Base Financing Rate will be increased from 6.15% p.a to 6.40% p.a.


In line with the revision, Maybank and Maybank Islamic’s fixed deposit rates will also be adjusted upwards effective 7 November 2022.


The last revision in Maybank’s Base Rate was on 12 September 2022 when it was increased from 2.25% p.a. to 2.50% p.a. following an OPR increase by the same quantum. 


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