Corp News

Tigers usher in the year of the ‘Monkey’ with celebrations of prosperity

22 February 2016

4 min read

- 66 Senior Citizens and disabled from special homes celebrate Chinese New Year the Maybank way

It was truly an unforgettable event as the halls of Menara Maybank echoed with the cheers of its employees, sounds of drum percussions, traditional oriental music and acrobatic movements of the ‘Lion Dance’ at the Maybank Group Chinese New Year celebration.

The event began with the entrance of the God of Prosperity together with the Group EXCO and Board members who simultaneously gave out fortune cookies and chocolate gold coins to cheering employees.

Vibrations from the drum sounds made by the Kwong Ngai Lion Dance Association could be felt under one’s feet as they entertained attendees with an unforgettable acrobatic lion dance which was done on high poles, leaving viewers in amazement.

Living up to the Chinese proverb “If you always give, you will always have,” Maybank Chairman, Tan Sri Megat Zaharuddin Megat Mohd Nor and Group President & CEO, Datuk Farid Abdul Alias presented Ang Pows and goodie bags filled with festive goodies and mandarin oranges to invited disabled and senior citizens from Rumah Amal Cheshire Selangor, Tong Sim Senior Citizens Care Centre and Rumah Charis who were specially invited to share the auspicious occasion.

Group Chief Human Capital Officer of Maybank, Nora Manaf said, “Chinese New Year, similar to many other festivities, teaches us the importance of ‘togetherness’ and that was what we intended to achieve from our celebration. We wanted to bring communities from all walks of life together to celebrate the joys of this event. This is very much in line with our mission to humanise financial services and being at the heart of the community.”

Nora said that one of the ways Maybank embraces diversity and inclusivity is by organising activities to celebrate major festivities which are pivotal to promoting greater harmony and understanding.

She said Maybank’s Chinese New Year celebration did not just end at the event as the Group had a unique initiative to give back to the community during this festive season with its Prosperity Treats – Essential Donation Drive.

“Under the programme, we encourage Maybankers to come together to donate essential items to the three homes,” she explained. “We are very encouraged as this drive, which began on 25 January and ends on 19 February, has seen Maybankers contribute toiletries, daily necessity items such as blankets, pillows, socks, fleece shawls and non-perishable food items. It is such a wonderful gesture and gives us all an opportunity to help our community in small yet meaningful ways.”

At the event, laughter and cheers were also heard in the hall as Maybankers and senior citizens came together for a grand ‘Yee Sang’ tossing ceremony in order to bring hope for good fortune.

The guests appreciated the hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon spent with Maybankers. One of the members from the Tong Sim Senior Citizens Care Centre, Mr Chow Park Seng, 62, was grateful and happy to be given the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at Menara Maybank and hoped he would be invited again next year.

“I’m very happy to be invited by the Bank and this is my first year celebrating Chinese New Year with Maybank. I can’t wait to come here again next year,” he said.

Maybankers were also caught by surprise at the event as EXCO and Board members randomly selected 36 lucky employees who were awarded with cash via Maybank’s latest e-angpow service.

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