Corp News

Lucky winners drive off with Toyota Hilux in Maybank SME campaign

03 July 2015

4 min read

Three lucky winners have driven off with a brand new Toyota Hilux each for winning the Maybank campaign for Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and Business Banking customers.

The three winners are Hasrat Meranti Sdn.Bhd, Perinsuran (Brokar) Sendirian Berhad and Sterling Hectares Sdn Bhd. Each of the representative received their prizes from the CEO of Maybank Islamic Muzaffar Hisham at a prize giving ceremony held in Menara Maybank.

The on-going SME campaign which runs from 1 March until 31 August 2015 aims to reward SME and business banking customers for their loyalty with Maybank as well as to create greater awareness of the various SME products that Maybank has to offer such as financing, deposits, online services and commercial cards which can unlock the potential of their respective business.

Speaking at the event, Muzaffar said that the first phase of the campaign was a success with financing increasing by over RM1 billion generated from SME and business banking segment compared to the same period last year.

Muzaffar said, “The objective of this campaign is to help customers know more about SMEs products and services and how we can help facilitate turning their great business ideas into successful business stories.”

He added that the Bank’s various banking products and services will continue to drive the growth of the SMEs, which are considered to be the backbone of the country’s economy.

“We have always strived and will continue to ensure that viable businesses, including the SMEs can have access to finance as we play our part in creating an environment which encourages innovation and entrepreneurship – very much in line with the Government’s aspiration for the SME sector,” said Muzaffar.

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