Corp News

Maybank Voted Malaysia’s No.1 Employer

13 November 2014

6 min read

Maybank sweeps the board at Malaysia’s Leading 100 Graduate Employers Awards, picking up the Graduate Employer of the Year Award and a host of other Awards


Maybank has clinched the Top Graduate Employer of the Year Award at the annual Malaysia’s Leading 100 Graduate Employers Awards, held in Kuala Lumpur recently. In addition to coming in top of the overall list of the 100 most popular employers, the Bank was placed first in the Banking and Financial Services category for the fourth consecutive year. The Bank also won first place for both Best Innovation on Campus for its ‘Maybank Go Ahead. Challenge’ and Best Internship Experience. It was runner up for Best Management Trainee Programme in Banking & Financial Services for its Global Maybank Apprentice Programme and Finalist for Best Social Media Usage.


Maybank’s win as Top Employer of the Year makes the Bank the first financial services group ever to win the prestigious award, as voted by students and fresh graduates. The award comes after holding first place in the Banking and Services category for four consecutive years, as well as second place in overall rankings last year. Maybank has been rising the ranks from 17th in 2010, 5th in 2011, 3rd in 2012, and 2nd in 2013.


Nora Abd Manaf, Maybank’s Group Chief Human Capital Officer said that the Group’s progression in the rankings over the years is a reflection of its continuous efforts in line with its people transformation programme. "The multiple awards won by Maybank is testimony of the strength of the Maybank brand, including our ‘GO Ahead.’ employer value proposition in the market, particularly amongst graduates. Our win is recognition of the conscious efforts we have put into transforming our people practices to provide our talents with the right capabilities to excel both personally and professionally in a conducive, high performing work environment.”


Nora also said that Maybank’s first place and as finalist in the categories apart from the Top Award in Banking and Financial Services Category, attest to the highly-successful Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC). MGAC’s unique and innovative business case challenge and talent recruitment programme aimed at finding the very best in emerging talent from around the world has undoubtedly contributed to the Bank’s successes. The award for Best Innovation on Campus was directly related to this year’s Challenge which was also held at Campus level for the first time.


The Bank’s unique and innovative use of social media for the Challenge, with the Maybank GO Ahead. Academy secured it a place in the finals for Best Social Media Use. The Global Maybank Apprentice Programme; Maybank’s fast-track bespoke two-year mentorship scheme for training future leaders, placed as a finalist for the Best Management Trainee Programme. Entry into the highly sought-after Global Maybank Apprentice Programme was offered to Finalists of the Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge.


“Securing first place in the overall category and in the Banking and Financial Services Category is recognition to us of the leading role we have played as a graduate recruiter in Malaysia. It shows that our increased focus year on year to attract the right graduate talent to Maybank is paying off. The award for Best Innovation on Campus and being recognised as one of the Finalists in Best Use of Social Media Category is particularly pleasing, as we have made considerable efforts to directly engage with graduates in a manner which speaks to them and their generation,” said Nora.


Maybank’s achievements are a testimony of the traction gained in the Bank's GO Ahead. employer value proposition in retaining and attracting talents, as well as in the renewed focus on talent acquisition, especially amongst graduates in the last few years. The Group had forged close ties with all major universities in Malaysia and the region; with regular participation in campus career fairs and multiple engagements in the form of talks, forums, workshops as well as sponsorship of projects and student competitions in support of building the nation's future leaders.


“Our thanks goes to all Maybankers for their continuous efforts in bringing our organisation another step forward in our mission of humanising financial services and our vision. We are also happy to share these fantastic wins with all those who have been on our journey with us – our customers, partners and stakeholders,” added Nora.


Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers Awards is an annual event organised by GTI Media Asia in collaboration with Trendence, Europe’s leading research institute. It celebrates the top 100 graduate employers in Malaysia, ranked within key industry sectors and by year of graduation, as well as the overall 100 companies. The rankings are the results of a national vote by over 14,000 students via the annual Graduate Barometer survey. The Malaysia's 100 directory is aimed at students aspiring to work for the best employers, and it reaches the most talented and best qualified students from the nation's top universities.


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