Corp News

Maybank recognised as Towers Watson Global High Performing Company

23 January 2014

4 min read

Maybank recognised as Towers Watson Global High Performing Company

Maybank is the first and only Asian organisation to be included in the Towers Watson Global High Performing Company Norm, which serves as an internationally recognised benchmark for high performing organisations.

Organisations qualify for the norm by meeting two criteria namely, superior financial performance, defined by a net profit margin and/or return on invested capital that exceeds industry averages; and superior human resource practices, defined by employee opinion scores near the top among the most financially successful organisations surveyed by Towers Watson.

Maybank was distinguished as being one of the best organisations with consistent leadership from the top management in terms of setting strong directions, communication, stakeholder engagement, employee development and benefits. Towers Watson sees Maybank as performing admirably in terms of leadership, communication and encouraging a healthy competitive workplace environment.

Maybank Group Chief Human Capital Officer, Nora Abd Manaf said, "This honour is prestigious and exceptionally meaningful to us as this recognition is received from a leading and reputable global professional services company, Towers Watson. Maybank’s recognition as one of only 26 high performing organisations from a pool of approximately 450 organisations Towers Watson partnered globally in 2013 puts us on par with some of the world’s admired organisations. Being ranked alongside organisations with excellent financial performance and superior human resource practices such as Shangri-La Hotels, RBC Financial Group, McKesson, to name a few is an honour to our amazing 47,000 Maybankers without whom this recognition would not have been possible”.

“The outcome of our annual Employee Engagement Survey reflects our commitment to build an environment where our people feel a sense of belonging and that they are given an opportunity to succeed and grow. We have worked hard to achieve the traction we are seeing today. We have moved faster than expected because our people have responded positively to change and learned different ways of doing things to attain efficiency and achieve optimal outcomes.

This is evidenced by our record-breaking profits, double digit growth and return on equity, exceeding industry average for more than three consecutive years,” she added.

Maybank has continuously strived for ‘Sustainable High Performance’ which calls for effective leadership, strategy alignment and an engaged workforce to nurture a culture of excellence. Lim Chin Han, Managing Director of Towers Watson Malaysia said, “We are delighted with Maybank receiving Towers Watson Global High Performing Company recognition for 2012/2013. Maybank has received this recognition for three consecutive years since 2010 and they are the only Asian organisation to do so. This is a commendable achievement for an Asian organisation as it recognises only a handful of organisations globally that have successfully leveraged on their human capital to gain a competitive edge in business resulting in sustained growth”.

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