Corp News

Maybank Statement in Relation to Picket Staged by NUBE

15 February 2012

4 min read

Maybank is disappointed over the picket by the National Union of Bank Employee (NUBE) which was held outside Dataran Maybank in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur today which caused widespread traffic congestion in the area and inconvenienced the general public.

Nora Abdul Manaf, Head of Group Human Capital, Maybank, said, “Maybank understands that the picket by NUBE was an objection in relation to the dismissal of two of its union officials who were previously employed by the Bank. Maybank would like to firmly state that the two employees were dismissed for actions which caused disrepute to the image and reputation of the Bank. The dismissals were not due to trade union activities, as alleged by NUBE.”

The two employees who were dismissed were granted paid trade union leave by Maybank to attend the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conference in Geneva, Switzerland last June. At the said Conference, the two employees held and displayed a banner inside and outside the United Nations Building, Geneva with the words “Maybank Robs Poor Malaysian Workers.” Photographs of the two employees holding and displaying the banner were also published on NUBE’s website.

Apart from the Show Cause letters issued to the two employees, the Bank also held separate Domestic Disciplinary Inquiries, constituting separate three-member panels, to give the employees concerned the full opportunity to explain their actions. The entire disciplinary process took more than four months to complete as the Bank had, in line with due process, accommodated a series of postponements and adjournments requested by the two employees concerned.

Subsequently, both employees were found guilty for causing disrepute to the image and reputation of the Bank by the respective Panels of Inquiry. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the issue, the Bank then decided to dismiss the employees.

NUBE has also alleged that the Bank has rejected the trade union leave applications of 17 of its members. NUBE has regularly been granted trade union leave in accordance with the relevant Collective Agreement. For the year 2011, more than 1,500 days of trade union leave had been granted for 69 NUBE members to conduct their trade union activities.

However, the recent applications for paid leave received from NUBE, relating to the dismissal of the two employees, were declined, as it was deemed inappropriate that trade union leave be granted to the Bank’s employees for such purpose.

Maybank wishes to reiterate its stand that picketing which involves any non-employees of the Bank, is not in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act, 1967.

Nora added, “This is not the first time Banks have taken disciplinary action against employees for participating in activities that materially and adversely affects them. We will protect the interest of all employees and various stakeholders to ensure that its good reputation and image is not affected by such action.”

“The Bank continues to be fully supportive of its staff and their rights but will not compromise on any disciplinary issues or allow any form of improper action by any party to affect the interest of the Bank,” concluded Nora.

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