Corp News

Maybank's Chinese New Year Celebrations

02 February 2012

4 min read

Lunar New Year Celebrations at Menara Maybank

With the Year of the Dragon in full swing, Maybank today joined in the Chinese New Year festivities with a performance by a group of hearing impaired adults from the Jing Ying Wushu Dragon and Lion Dance Association Kuala Lumpur.

The “Dragon & Lion”, although speech and hearing impaired, mesmerised the crowds at Menara Maybank with their slick moves, delighting customers who came to do their banking at the KL Main branch.

The auspicious occasion was hosted by Tan Sri Dato’ Megat Zaharuddin Megat Mohd Nor, Chairman of Maybank, Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, President & CEO of Maybank as well as the senior management team and Maybank staff at the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

The event began with Tan Sri Dato’ Megat Zaharuddin and Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar giving “life’ to the Dragon Lion by marking their eyes each with red dots. According to Chinese tradition, red is regarded as a life-giving colour as well as associated with good fortune and prosperity. This ceremony which is called ‘Hoi Gong’ signifies the Bank’s support in sponsoring the Jing Ying Wushu Dragon and Lion Dance Association Kuala Lumpur with a sponsorship of RM5,000.

Tan Sri Dato’ Megat Zaharuddin said, “Maybank prides itself with the rich diversity within our Group and the communities we serve in 17 countries. It is indeed exciting to watch the Jing Ying Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance troupe whose talented members have overcome the odds despite having hearing and speech disabilities.”

He said that celebrations of different festivals were a part of Maybank’s annual calendar of events in recognition of the importance of cross-cultural understanding.

“By recognising and celebrating these important events, we hope to promote deeper appreciation of the cultures and values of our communities,” he added. “This is very much in line with the mission of Maybank to humanise financial services by being at the heart of the communities we serve.”

At the event today, customers and employees received goodies such as mandarin oranges and fortune cookies.

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